• contato@mtrcybersec.com.br
  • +55 (62) 99651-9273
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 18:00

Protect your business against cyber-attacks with our services to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before cyber criminals exploit them.

A cyber-attack can ruin your business reputation and result in a substantial financial loss.

Find out more about our services


Penetration Testing
MTR Cyber Sec has a team of cyber security experts highly experienced in Network, Web and Mobile Application Penetration Testing.
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Vulnerability Scanning
Discover security vulnerabilities and minimize the risk exposure with our vulnerability scanning service.
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LGPD Compliance for business in Brazil
Starting a business in Brazil? Count on our specialists both in the legal and technical part to make your company suitable for the LGPD.
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We provide Security Awareness and Penetration Testing training for students and IT professionals.
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Secure your business now.

Get in touch with our cyber security experts.

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